The CIO as a main player in transforming Procure-to-Pay & Order-to-Cash processes
White Paper
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While always central to business operations, the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has often had an image problem. But this has now changed: The sweeping digital transformation in the corporate world has brought CIOs out of the shadows.
Why accelerated automation of the Procure-to-Pay (P2P) and Order-to-Cash (O2C) processes is at the heart of these transformative challenges ? What are the new missions of CIO ?
Download this white paper to learn more.
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“The discipline that Esker drives in the credit and collections process is phenomenal. In my 20-plus years, it's the best product I've ever used based on its simplicity and ease of navigating.”Global Director of Financial Services | Trek Bicycle
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Esker is een software-uitgever die in 1985 is opgericht met als belangrijkste missie: bedrijven helpen hun papieren documenten elektronisch te dematerialiseren. Esker wordt erkend als wereldleider in digitaliseringsoplossingen op basis van kunstmatige intelligentie-technologieën. Onze klanten gebruiken onze Cloud-oplossingen om de efficiëntie, productiviteit en zichtbaarheid van hun Procure-to-Pay (P2P) en Order-to-Cash (O2C) -processen te vergroten.
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