Take a Step Toward
Continuous Improvement

Today’s AR leaders face mounting pressure to implement a true cash flow management culture within their organization. This eBook shares three best practices to keep in mind.



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What’s in the eBook?

Increasing working capital is the most effective way for a company to finance itself. In this 15-page eBook, you’ll learn about why instituting a cash culture is so important, what it means for everyone involved, and how carrying out a few easy steps can not only streamline the culture-building process but also:

Optimize collections, payment & cash allocation while reducing risk
Manage team production regarding cash flow via advanced analytics
Gain valuable customer insights & improve customer experience

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“The discipline that Esker drives in the credit and collections process is phenomenal. In my 20-plus years, it's the best product I've ever used based on its simplicity and ease of navigating.”
Global Director of Financial Services | Trek Bicycle

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Do you have a dematerialisation project? Do you want to know more about our solutions?

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About Esker

Esker started out as a software vendor back in 1985 with a direct and simple vision in mind — help businesses deliver their paper documents electronically.
Today, Esker is widely recognized as a leader in AI-driven process automation software all around the world. Companies use our cloud-based solutions to drive greater efficiency, accuracy, visibility and cost savings throughout their P2P and O2C processes.

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